Assistance League of Greater Collin County
The Assistance League of Greater Collin County has a new website. Go to for the most up to date information regarding this nonprofit, nonpolitical, nonsectarian charitable organization. This was their former website. Content is from the site's 2015 archived pages.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to Assistance League of Greater Collin County through North Texas Giving Day. Your generosity will help us clothe 500 children, or $50,000 for Operation School Bell®. You are appreciated so much! For those who came to the office to visit us, thanks for sharing this special giving opportunity with us.

We are Assistance League!
Mission Statement
Assistance League of Greater Collin County is a nonprofit, philanthropic organization whose dedicated volunteers put caring and commitment into action by serving residents in need.
Vision Statement
To be a recognized leader empowering volunteers through our chapter to meet changing needs in Greater Collin County.
Core Values
Assistance League of Greater Collin County embraces the following values:
- Commitment – Compassionate and caring service
- Leadership – Professionalism that is visionary, ethical and sensitive
- Accountability – Fiscal responsibility
- Respect – Fair and equitable treatment for those we serve
- Ethics – Integrity and authenticity in communications and actions.
What Assistance League Does
Assistance League of Greater Collin County is a 50l(c)(3) nonprofit, nonpolitical, nonsectarian charitable organization whose goal is assisting people in our community. The chapter is the 103rd chapter nationally and over 25,000+ members, including 2,600+ Assisteens® of National Assistance League®.
Nationally, the chapters return $38 million to local communities, in 2012-2013, touching 1.5 million children, seniors and families to whom volunteers have given 2.8 million hours of service. This chapter has no paid staff, and all members volunteer their time to perform philanthropic and fundraising work.
The chapter exists for the sole purpose of providing philanthropic services to meet the challenges posed by a diverse array of individual and community needs. Community based philanthropic programs are built through needs assessments, identifying community problems and delivering the solutions to fit the need. Funds are raised through volunteer activities and used to provide services for the community.
Assistance League of Greater Collin County has been a steady presence in Collin County since 1996. Founded in 1996 as a guild, the chapter started with thirteen enthusiastic women. In 1997, National Assistance League® selected Operation School Bell® as a national program for each chapter to implement in their community.
In October 1998 the guild completed the requirements to become the 103rd chapter of National Assistance League®.
If you would like to learn more about Assistance League of Greater Collin County, click the logo below to access the Nonprofit Report provided by GuideStar:
Philanthropic Programs
Members develop, fund and participate in programs that provide new school clothing for hundreds of children in need, provide activities for senior citizens, donate and distribute reading materials to patients and families at local hospitals, and support grieving parents. The chapter also addresses short term needs in the community.
Philanthropic Programs
Operation School Bell®
Pass the Word
Wee Memories
Caring in Action
President's Annual Report 2013-2014
2011 W. Spring Creek Parkway, Suite 1500
Plano, Texas 75023
(The office is located at the northeast corner of Custer Road and Spring Creek Parkway in Plano.)
News & Events
Orientation for New Members
October 2015
An orientation for six new members to Assistance League of Greater Collin County was recently held at the chapter’s office to welcome new members, who have joined over the past six months. This is a regular event held to describe the work and programs of the chapter, introduce Board members and answer questions they may have. We have an enthusiastic group of women who want to become involved and some have already done so.
Seen in one photo is Sherie Wiser, Vice President of Philanthropic Programs, describing a shower basket project which was done for Meals on Wheels last year. Also Barbara Stiebling and Mary Ann Dixon with the Hospitality Committee provided tasteful snacks for the meeting.
Pat on the Back goes to deserving member Julie Lewis
October 2015
Julie Lewis received the well deserved "Pat on the Back" recognition at our October regular meeting. Julie feels comfortable working behind the scenes, and as usual brought her enthusiasm and "get it done" spirit to this commitment. Over the summer Julie focused on office fix ups and beautification, obtained a grant from Joplins, attended the National Conference with our president and organized a very successful office meeting of all the McKinney counselors and SIC personnel to show off our office and explain Operation School Bell®. Julie is on a referral team that processes requests from school counselors for clothing, and volunteers her time and expertise wherever there is a need. Thank you, Julie, for your dedication to our chapter. Seen here is Julie Lewis (in red) with Diana Springate, Vice President Membership.
Operation School Bell® Toothpaste and Toothbrush Drive
October 2015
The students at Pearson Elementary School in Plano presented Operation School Bell® Vice Chairman Judy Wharton with 122 tubes of toothpaste and 220 toothbrushes which they had raised through a school-wide drive. Schools are invited to hold their own toothpaste and toothbrush drives for Assistance League which in turn will be given out to students with clothes. Seen here are Sherie Wiser, Vice President Philanthropy Programs and Judy Wharton, Chairman Operation School Bell® along with staff from Pearson and students who participated in the drive.
Hunt Construction Company Supports Assistance League
October 2015
The Hunt Construction Group golf tournament was a terrific success! Total proceeds from this year were $53, 870 which will help clothe more than 500 children. We can’t thank Jack Sovern and this wonderful company enough for designating the Assistance League of Greater Collin County as recipients for the seventh year. We have been given a total of over $350,000 during this time, and have clothed many children in need. The money will be put to immediate use through the Operation School Bell® program. We especially want to thank the many supporters and volunteers who worked very hard to put this fundraiser together.
Plano Balloon Festival
September 2015
The Assistance League of Greater Collin County was honored again this year to be part of the 2015 InTouch Credit Union Plano Balloon Festival.The proceeds of the Balloon Festival are shared with other non-profit organizations in the Plano area, including Assistance League of Greater Collin County, which in turn helps to fund the chapter's community service programs. Members volunteered by selling and taking tickets at Gate 1. It was a long, hot but fun day with the balloons and festival attendees. The chapter appreciates all the support it gets from this worthwhile, fun activity.
North Texas Giving Day – Successful Annual Fundraiser
September 17, 2015
The office was alive and full of energetic members and visitors on North Texas Giving Day, what has become an annual event in the area for charities. A gourmet buffet feast was prepared by the Hospitality Committee chaired by Barbara Steibling for all to share. Quite a few guests dropped by to enjoy the tours, food, hospitality and to make a donation. We want to thank the friends, families and members who supported the work we do, and providing a fun day. Your generosity will help us clothe 500 children through Operation School Bell®. The day was organized by the Resource Development Committee, chaired by Linda Hopkins and Michele Miller.
The office was alive and full of energetic members and visitors on North Texas Giving Day, what has become an annual event in the area for charities. A gourmet buffet feast was prepared by the Hospitality Committee chaired by Barbara Steibling for all to share. Quite a few guests dropped by to enjoy the tours, food, hospitality and to make a donation. Ms Steibling announced another generous donation from of their wholesale toilet paper. CIS is the online retailer of cleaning supplies who once again continued their charitable assistance of our cause. We want to thank the friends, families and members who supported the work we do, and providing a fun day. Your generosity will help us clothe 500 children through Operation School Bell®. The day was organized by the Resource Development Committee, chaired by Linda Hopkins and Michele Miller
A number of community donors contributed prizes for the doors prizes and we would like to acknowledge them.
Couldn’t have done it without You!
Whole Foods, Market Street, SDalon Savvy, Cookies by Design, Henry’s Ice Cream, Harvest Seasonal Kitchen, Providence Pottery, Covino’s Pasta & Pizza, Sugar’N’Spice Bakery, Original Pancake House, Callaways, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Tex Mex Salsa, Home Depot, Lowes, Starbucks
Support through Amazon Smile
September 2015

Select Assistance League of Greater Collin County as your charity of choice for Amazon Smile. It’s easy. Go to and select your account, if you already have one. Otherwise, you will have to set up an account. On the dropdown for your account, click “Change Your Charity.” Type in “Assistance League of Greater Collin County”, click Search. The name will come up and then Select. The name will appear on your account home page each time you order through A great way to support the work the chapter does with clothing children and helping others in Collin County. Ask your friends and family to do the same. A small portion of what is purchased will go to the chapter.
Grant received from Frisco Roughriders
August 2015
Members of Assistance League of Greater Collin County accepted a generous grant from Frisco Roughriders Foundation at a game recently. The grant will help our Operation School Bell program provide clothes for Collin County elementary school children in need.

Seen here are Charlotte Grimm, Julie Lewis and Susan Freeze at the grant presentation
An Easy Way to Support
June 2015
Did you know you can support Assistance League by donating your Kroger Rewards Points to the chapter? Kroger will convert these points to dollars and donate them to us. What a simple way to raise money to support programs to help others!
To do this, simply click on the link below and follow the directions. Be sure to have your Kroger Rewards Card on hand for the number on the back of the card.
Board Members Attend Texas Networking Event
June 2015
Ten members of the chapter attended Texas Networking in Georgetown, Texas. Attendees had a fun and informative time networking with other chapters, sharing ideas and projects. It also was an opportunity to get updates from the National Assistance League. Sherie Wiser, Vice President for Philanthropic Programs, shared the projects generated by the Caring In Action Committee this year and Linda Hopkins, Vice President of Resource Development described the chapter’s successful participation in the 2014 Texas Day of Giving.

Pass The Word Volunteers Recognized by Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital-Plano
April 2015
Pass the Word has been an integral part of volunteer services at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital for over twelve years. Recently members were recognized for their service at a Volunteer Appreciation Dinner where other volunteers who serve their community.

Fashion Luncheon Proceeds Help Us Help Others
April 2015
A fun fashion luncheon was held at Heritage Ranch for members and guests to relax and enjoy viewing Chico’s fashions. Some young students modeled the clothing given out as part of the Operation School Bell® program. Ellie Huff, from Texas Health Presbyterian Plano Hospital spoke on women’s heart health. Proceeds from donations and the luncheon will help the chapter cover the cost of clothing including shoes. So far this year over 1,400 children in Collin County have been clothed.